# Use this as a starting point to translate this application into
# another language. The format is "English text: translated text"
# There cannot be a ":" in the English text.
# Translated by:
# Kristofer Arnar Einarsson kristofer@kristofer.com
# Last update: 18 August 2000
# Translation last updated on 03-10-2004
# No charset specified (not needed for iso-8859-1)
# "charset" is used in a meta tag, do not translate "charset" here.
# charset:
# Page: admin.php
# << MISSING >>
# System Settings:
You are not authorized: Žś hefur ekki heimild
# << MISSING >>
# Note:
# << MISSING >>
# Your user preferences:
# << MISSING >>
# may be affecting the appearance of this page.:
# << MISSING >>
# Click here:
# << MISSING >>
# to not use your user preferences when viewing this page:
# << MISSING >>
# are being ignored while viewing this page.:
# << MISSING >>
# to load your user preferences when viewing this page:
Save: Vista
Help: Hjįlp
Settings: Stillingar
# << MISSING >>
# app-name-help:
# English text: Specifies the name of the application that will appear in the browser title bar for all pages and on the login page. The value you specify here will be looked up in the translations file allowing you to provide different titles for different languages.
# << MISSING >>
# Application Name:
# << MISSING >>
# server-url-help:
# English text: Specifies the base URL for the application. This will be included when sending out email reminders and notifications.
# << MISSING >>
# Server URL:
language-help: Tilgreinir tungumįl.
Language: Tungumįl
# << MISSING >>
# Your browser default language is:
# << MISSING >>
# fonts-help:
# English text: Specifies a list of system fonts to use (such as "Arial, Helvetica")
# << MISSING >>
# Fonts:
# << MISSING >>
# custom-script-help:
# English text: Allows entry of custom Javascript or stylesheet text that will be inserted into the HTML "head" section of every page.
# << MISSING >>
# Custom script/stylesheet:
Yes: Jį
No: Nei
# << MISSING >>
# Edit:
# << MISSING >>
# custom-header-help:
# English text: Allows a custom HTML snippet to be included in the top of every page.
# << MISSING >>
# Custom header:
# << MISSING >>
# custom-trailer-help:
# English text: Allows a custom HTML snippet to be included at the end of every page.
# << MISSING >>
# Custom trailer:
preferred-view-help: Tilgreinir sjįlfgefiš val (Dagur, vika, mįnušur eša įr).
Preferred view: Birting
Day: Dagur
Week: Vika
Month: Mįnušur
Year: Įr
# << MISSING >>
# display-weekends-help:
# English text: Include weekends when viewing a week.
# << MISSING >>
# Display weekends in week view:
# << MISSING >>
# yearly-shows-events-help:
# English text: On the yearly view, display days that contain events in a bold font.
# << MISSING >>
# Display days with events in bold in year view:
# << MISSING >>
# display-desc-print-day-help:
# English text: Include event descriptions in printer-friendly version of day view.
# << MISSING >>
# Display description in printer day view:
# << MISSING >>
# date-format-help:
# English text: Specifies the preferred date format.
# << MISSING >>
# Date format:
December: Desember
time-format-help: Tilgreinir į hvaša tķmasniš į aš nota:
12 tķma: Birtir tķma sem 3fh, 8:30eh, o.s.frv.
24 tķma: Birtir tķma sem 300, 2030, o.s.frv.
Time format: Klukka
12 hour: 12 tķma
24 hour: 24 tķma
# << MISSING >>
# time-interval-help:
# English text: Specifies how long the time blocks in the week view and day view will be.
# << MISSING >>
# Time interval:
# << MISSING >>
# hour:
minutes: mķnśtur
# << MISSING >>
# auto-refresh-help:
# English text: When enabled, the day view, week view, month view, and list aunapproved pages will all automatically refresh themselves periodically.
# << MISSING >>
# Auto-refresh calendars:
# << MISSING >>
# auto-refresh-time-help:
# English text: If Auto-refresh is enabled, this specifies the time between each refresh.
# << MISSING >>
# Auto-refresh time:
# << MISSING >>
# require-approvals-help:
# English text: When enabled, a user must approve an event before it is displayed on their calendar (unless Display unapproved is enabled). Note setting this to "No" will not turn off approvals for the Public Access calendar (if the Public Access calendar is enabled).
# << MISSING >>
# Require event approvals:
display-unapproved-help: Tilgreinir hvort birta eigi ósamžykkt atriši ķ dagatali.
Ef "Jį", eru ósamžykkt atriši birt į dagatali (ķ öšrum lit).
Ef "Nei", veršur aš samžykkta atriši til žess aš žau birtist į dagatali.
Display unapproved: Birta ósamžykkt
display-week-number-help: Tilgreinir hvort vikunśmer (1-52) eigi aš birtast ķ mįnašar og viku vali.
Display week number: Birta nśmer viku
display-week-starts-on: Tilgreinir hvort vikan byrjar į sunnudegi eša mįnudegi. Ef mįnudagur er valinn munu vikunśmerin į ISO viku nśmer.
Week starts on: Vika byrjar į
Sunday: Sunnudagur
Monday: Mįnudagur
work-hours-help: Tilgreinir vinnutķma sem į aš birta.
Work hours: Vinnutķmi
From: Frį
to: til
# << MISSING >>
# disable-priority-field-help:
# English text: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Priority" field from event information pages, providing a simpler interface for novices.
# << MISSING >>
# Disable Priority field:
# << MISSING >>
# disable-access-field-help:
# English text: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Access" field from event information pages, providing a simpler interface for novices.
# << MISSING >>
# Disable Access field:
# << MISSING >>
# disable-participants-field-help:
# English text: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Particpants" field from event information pages, preventing users from adding other users to their events. If you enable this option, you may want to also disable the "Allow viewing other user's calendars" field also.
# << MISSING >>
# Disable Participants field:
# << MISSING >>
# disable-repeating-field-help:
# English text: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Repeating" field when adding events. This will provide a simpler interface for novices.
# << MISSING >>
# Disable Repeating field:
# << MISSING >>
# popup-includes-siteextras-help:
# English text: If enabled, allow custom event fields setup in the site_extras.php file will be displayed in event popups.
# << MISSING >>
# Display Site Extras in popup:
# << MISSING >>
# allow-html-description-help:
# English text: If enabled, users can enter HTML in the event description field. If not enabled, the HTML tags will be escaped so as to appear as plain text. Warning: Enabling this feature will allow users to reference images on other websites.
# << MISSING >>
# Allow HTML in Description:
# << MISSING >>
# allow-view-other-help:
# English text: Specifies whether one user may view another user's calendar.
# << MISSING >>
# Allow viewing other user's calendars:
# << MISSING >>
# allow-public-access-help:
# English text: When enabled, the calendar can be used as a read-only public calendar that does not require users to login.
# << MISSING >>
# Allow public access:
# << MISSING >>
# public-access-view-others-help:
# English text: When access the system with public access, specifies whether the user can view the calendar of another calendar user.
# << MISSING >>
# Public access can view other users:
# << MISSING >>
# public-access-can-add-help:
# English text: When enabled, users that access the system through Public Access will be able to add new events, but they will not show up in the calendar until an administrator approves the new event.
# << MISSING >>
# Public access can add events:
# << MISSING >>
# public-access-add-requires-approval-help:
# English text: Specifies whether events added via the public access account require approval before being displayed.
# << MISSING >>
# Public access new events require approval:
# << MISSING >>
# public-access-sees-participants-help:
# English text: If enabled, users accessing the calendar from the public account will be able to see event participants if they view details of an event.
# << MISSING >>
# Public access can view participants:
# << MISSING >>
# allow-view-add-help:
# English text: A '+' icon will be included in views, allowing users to quickly add events to other users' calendars.
# << MISSING >>
# Include add event link in views:
# << MISSING >>
# allow-external-users-help:
# English text: Specifies whether a non-calendar user can be added to an event. This allows non-calendar users to be listed as event participants.
# << MISSING >>
# Allow external users:
# << MISSING >>
# external-can-receive-notification-help:
# English text: When external users are enabled and email usage is enabled, external users can receive email notifications when the event is added, updated or delete (if the external user's email address is provided).
# << MISSING >>
# External users can receive email notifications:
# << MISSING >>
# external-can-receive-reminder-help:
# English text: When external users are enabled and email usage is enabled, external users can receive email reminders (if the external user's email address is provided).
# << MISSING >>
# External users can receive email reminders:
# << MISSING >>
# remember-last-login-help:
# English text: When enabled, the user's login will be filled in for them on the login page (but not the password), and the user's preferences will be loaded (including their preferred colors and language selection).
# << MISSING >>
# Remember last login:
# << MISSING >>
# conflict-check-help:
# English text: Check for event conflicts (two events scheduled for the same time for the same person). If you set this to "Yes", you will still be able to schedule two events at the same time after confirming a warning. If you set this to "No", no checking for conflicts will be done. You probably want to set this to "Yes", so conflict checking occurs.
# << MISSING >>
# Check for event conflicts:
# << MISSING >>
# conflict-months-help:
# English text: If conflict checking is in place ("Check for event conflicts" is set to "No"), this specifies how many months into the future we should check for conflicts. If you find adding events is taking a long time to process, reduce this number.
# << MISSING >>
# Conflict checking months:
# << MISSING >>
# conflict-check-override-help:
# English text: Allows users to override event conflicts and schedule two or more events for the same time.
# << MISSING >>
# Allow users to override conflicts:
# << MISSING >>
# limit-appts-help:
# English text: Allows the system administrator to set a system-wide limit on the number of appointments a single user can have on any single day.
# << MISSING >>
# Limit number of timed events per day:
# << MISSING >>
# limit-appts-number-help:
# English text: Specifies the maximum number of timed events a user can have in a single day.
# << MISSING >>
# Maximum timed events per day:
# << MISSING >>
# Plugins:
# << MISSING >>
# plugins-enabled-help:
# English text: Enable plugin applications.
# << MISSING >>
# Enable Plugins:
# << MISSING >>
# plugins-sort-key-help:
# English text: Specifies a sort key for the plugin. This allows the plugins to appear in a specific order.
# << MISSING >>
# Plugin:
# << MISSING >>
# Groups:
# << MISSING >>
# groups-enabled-help:
# English text: Enables group support, allowing users to select users by groups.
# << MISSING >>
# Groups enabled:
# << MISSING >>
# user-sees-his-group-help:
# English text: If enabled, users will not see calendar users that are not in at least one of their groups.
# << MISSING >>
# User sees only his groups:
# << MISSING >>
# Categories:
# << MISSING >>
# categories-enabled-help:
# English text: Enables support for event categories.
# << MISSING >>
# Categories enabled:
# << MISSING >>
# Nonuser:
# English text: Nonuser Calendars
# << MISSING >>
# nonuser-enabled-help:
# English text: If enabled, admins will have the option to add nonuser calendars
# << MISSING >>
# Nonuser enabled:
# English text: Nonuser Calendars Enabled
# << MISSING >>
# nonuser-list-help:
# English text: Where to display the nonuser calendars in the participant list
# << MISSING >>
# Nonuser list:
# English text: Display in participants list at
# << MISSING >>
# Top:
# << MISSING >>
# Bottom:
# << MISSING >>
# Reports:
# << MISSING >>
# reports-enabled-help:
# English text: If enabled, users will see a "Reports" section at the bottom of each page and will be allowed to create custom reports. Additionally, admin users can create global reports that will appear at the bottom of all users' pages.
# << MISSING >>
# Reports enabled:
# << MISSING >>
# Subscribe/Publish:
# << MISSING >>
# subscriptions-enabled-help:
# English text: Specifies if remote users can subscribe to a WebCalendar user's calendar, allowing them to see the WebCalendar user's events in their iCal-enabled application (such as Apple's iCal or Mozilla Calendar).
# << MISSING >>
# Allow remote subscriptions:
# << MISSING >>
# Email:
# << MISSING >>
# email-enabled-help:
# English text: Turn on or off all sending of email for notification and reminders. Set to "no", if your server is not properly setup to send mail.
# << MISSING >>
# Email enabled:
# << MISSING >>
# email-default-sender:
# English text: Specifies the email address to specify as the sender when sending out reminders.
# << MISSING >>
# Default sender address:
# << MISSING >>
# Default user settings:
# << MISSING >>
# email-event-reminders-help:
# English text: Specifies whether or not to send event reminders.
# << MISSING >>
# Event reminders:
# << MISSING >>
# email-event-added:
# English text: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is added to your calendar.
# << MISSING >>
# Events added to my calendar:
# << MISSING >>
# email-event-updated:
# English text: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is updated on your calendar.
# << MISSING >>
# Events updated on my calendar:
# << MISSING >>
# email-event-deleted:
# English text: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is removed from your calendar.
# << MISSING >>
# Events removed from my calendar:
# << MISSING >>
# email-event-rejected:
# English text: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when a participant rejects an event that is on your calendar.
# << MISSING >>
# Event rejected by participant:
colors-help: Alla liti į aš skilgreina meš "#RRGGBB" hex sniši žar sem "RR" er hex gildiš fyrir raušan, "GG" er hex gildi fyrir gręnan, og "BB" er hex gildi fyrir blįan.
Colors: Litir
# << MISSING >>
# Allow user to customize colors:
Document background: Bakgrunnur
Select: Velja
Document title: Titill
# << MISSING >>
# Document text:
# << MISSING >>
# Table grid color:
# << MISSING >>
# Table header background:
# << MISSING >>
# Table header text:
Table cell background: Bakgrunnur dįlka
Table cell background for current day: Bakgrunnur dįlka nśverandi dags
# << MISSING >>
# Table cell background for weekends:
# << MISSING >>
# Event popup background:
# << MISSING >>
# Event popup text:
# Page: activity_log.php
# << MISSING >>
# Activity Log:
# << MISSING >>
# User:
# << MISSING >>
# Calendar:
Date: Dags
Time: Tķmi
# << MISSING >>
# Event:
# << MISSING >>
# Action:
# << MISSING >>
# Event created:
# << MISSING >>
# Event approved:
# << MISSING >>
# Event rejected:
# << MISSING >>
# Event updated:
# << MISSING >>
# Event deleted:
# << MISSING >>
# Notification sent:
# << MISSING >>
# Reminder sent:
# << MISSING >>
# Database error:
# << MISSING >>
# Previous:
# << MISSING >>
# Next:
# Page: add_entry.php
Invalid entry id: Óleyfilegt einkenni
# << MISSING >>
# This is a private event and may not be added to your calendar.:
# << MISSING >>
# Error adding event:
# Page: admin_handler.php
Error: Villa
The following error occurred: Eftirfarandi villa kom upp
# Page: approve_entry.php
Error approving event: Villa viš samžykkt atrišis
# Page: category.php
# << MISSING >>
# Add:
# << MISSING >>
# Category Name:
# << MISSING >>
# Global:
Delete: Eyša
Are you sure you want to delete this entry?: Viltu örugglega eyša žessu atriši?
# << MISSING >>
# Add New Category:
# Page: category_handler.php
# Page: datesel.php
# Page: day.php
# << MISSING >>
# Admin mode:
# << MISSING >>
# Assistant mode:
Generate printer-friendly version: Bśa til prentvęna śtgįfu
Printer Friendly: Prentvęnt
# Page: del_entry.php
Hello: Halló
# << MISSING >>
# An appointment has been canceled for you by:
# << MISSING >>
# The subject was:
Notification: Tilkynning
# Page: edit_entry.php
Edit Entry: Breyta atriši
Add Entry: Bęta viš
brief-description-help: Hér į aš vera stutt lżsing (u.ž.b 20 stafir) atrišis. Žetta mun vera einkenni atrišis ķ dagatali.
Brief Description: Stutt skrżring
full-description-help: Hér į aš vera full lżsing atrišis. Upplżsingarnar er hęgt aš sjį žegar atriši er skošaš.
Full Description: Full skżring
date-help: Tilgreinir dagsetningu atrišis.
time-help: Tilgreinir tķma atrišis.
Žessu sviši mį sleppa.
am: fh
pm: eh
# << MISSING >>
# Untimed event:
# << MISSING >>
# Timed event:
# << MISSING >>
# All day event:
duration-help: Tilgreinir įętlaša lengd (ķ mķnśtum) atrišis.
Žessu sviši mį sleppa.
Duration: Lengd
# << MISSING >>
# hours:
priority-help: Tilgreinir forgang atrišis. Atriši meš hįan forgang eru birt meš feitu letri.
Priority: Forgangur
Low: Lįgur
Medium: Mešal
High: Hįr
access-help: Tilgreinir ašgang aš atriši.
Allir: Allir geta séš fulla lżsingu atrišis.
Trśnašarmįl: Ašrir sjį aš viškomandi hefur atriši į tilgreindum tķma en sjį ekkert um efniš.
Access: Ašgangur
Public: Allir
Confidential: Trśnašarmįl
# << MISSING >>
# category-help:
# English text: Specifies the category of the event.
# << MISSING >>
# Category:
None: Engin
# << MISSING >>
# days:
# << MISSING >>
# before event:
participants-help: Fį fram žį sem koma aš atriši.
Participants: Žįtttakendur
# << MISSING >>
# external-participants-help:
# English text: Specifies a list of participants for the event that are not calendar users. The users should be listed one per line and can include an email address. If an email address is specified, the user is eligible to receive notications and reminders.
# << MISSING >>
# External Participants:
repeat-type-help: Velja hversu oft endurtaka į atburšinn.Mįnašarlega (eftir degi) gerir kleift aš endurtaka atriši fyrsta mįnudag mįnašar, žrišja žrišjudag o.s.frv. Mįnašarlega (eftir dags) gerir kleift aš endurtaka atriši į sama mįnašardegi.
Repeat Type: Tegund endurtekningar
Daily: Daglega
Weekly: Vikulega
Monthly: Mįnašarlega
by day: eftir degi
# << MISSING >>
# by day (from end):
by date: eftir dags
Yearly: Įrlega
repeat-end-date-help: Tilgreinir dagsetningu sem endurtaka į atriši žangaš til.
Repeat End Date: Lok endurtekningar
Use end date: Loka dags
repeat-day-help: Tilgreinir į hvaša vikudegi į aš endurtaka atriši. Žetta į ašeins viš um žegar valin Endurtekning er Vikulega.
Repeat Day: Endurtekning
for weekly: vikulega
Tuesday: Žrišjudagur
Wednesday: Mišvikudagur
Thursday: Fimmtudagur
Friday: Föstudagur
Saturday: Laugardagur
repeat-frequency-help: Tilgreinir hversu oft į aš endurtaka atriši. 1 er sjįlfgefiš fyrir hvert skipti. Meš žvķ aš velja 2 er hęgt aš lįta atriši gerast ašra hverja viku (ef valin Endurtekning er Vikulega), annan hvern mįnuš (ef valin Endurtekning er Mįnašarlega), o.s.frv.
Frequency: Tķšni
Delete entry: Eyša atriši
You are not authorized to edit this entry: Žś hefur ekki réttindi til žess aš breyta žessu atriši
# Page: edit_layer.php
# << MISSING >>
# Edit Layer:
# << MISSING >>
# Add Layer:
# << MISSING >>
# Source:
# << MISSING >>
# Color:
# << MISSING >>
# Duplicates:
# << MISSING >>
# Show layer events that are the same as your own:
# << MISSING >>
# Are you sure you want to delete this layer?:
# << MISSING >>
# Delete layer:
# Page: edit_layer_handler.php
# << MISSING >>
# You cannot create a layer for yourself:
# << MISSING >>
# You can only create one layer for each user:
# Page: edit_user.php
Edit User: Breyta notanda
Add User: Nżr notandi
Username: Notandanafn
First Name: Fornafn
Last Name: Eftirnafn
E-mail address: Tölvupóstur
Password: Lykilorš
again: aftur
Admin: Stjórnandi
# << MISSING >>
# Disabled for demo:
Change Password: Breyta lykilorši
New Password: Nżtt lykilorš
Set Password: Breyta
# Page: edit_user_handler.php
# << MISSING >>
# Deleting users not supported:
The passwords were not identical: Lykiloršin passa ekki saman
You have not entered a password: Lykilorš vantar
# Page: export.php
Export: Flytja
Export format: Sniš til aš flytja į
Palm Pilot: Palm Pilot
# << MISSING >>
# Export all dates:
Start date: Byrjun dags
End date: Endir dags
Modified since: Breytt sķšan
# Page: export_handler.php
# << MISSING >>
# export format not defined or incorrect:
# Page: group_edit.php
# << MISSING >>
# Unnamed Group:
# << MISSING >>
# Add Group:
# << MISSING >>
# Edit Group:
# << MISSING >>
# Group name:
Updated: Uppfęrt
Created by: Gert af
Users: Notendur
# Page: group_edit_handler.php
# << MISSING >>
# You must specify a group name:
# Page: groups.php
# << MISSING >>
# Add New Group:
# Page: icalfb.php
# Page: pref.php
Preferences: Stilla
# << MISSING >>
# to modify the preferences for the Public Access calendar:
# << MISSING >>
# tz-help:
# English text: Specifies how many hours to adjust the time from server time to local time.
# << MISSING >>
# Timezone Offset:
# << MISSING >>
# Add N hours to:
# << MISSING >>
# Subtract N hours from:
# << MISSING >>
# same as:
# << MISSING >>
# server time:
# << MISSING >>
# Default Category:
# << MISSING >>
# When I am the boss:
# << MISSING >>
# Email me event notification:
# << MISSING >>
# I want to approve events:
# << MISSING >>
# allow-remote-subscriptions-help:
# English text: Specifies if remote users can subscribe to your calendar, allowing them to see your events in a iCal-enabled application (such as Apple's iCal or Mozilla Calendar).
# << MISSING >>
# remote-subscriptions-url-help:
# English text: Displays the URL remote users should use to subscribe to your calendar.
# << MISSING >>
# URL:
Sun: Sun
Mon: Mįn
Tue: Žri
Wed: Miš
Thu: Fim
Fri: Fös
Sat: Lau
Save Preferences: Vista stillingar
# Page: help_bug.php
# << MISSING >>
# Report Bug:
# Page: help_edit_entry.php
Adding/Editing Calendar Entries: Bęta viš/Eyša atrišum ķ dagatali
# Page: help_index.php
Help Index: Efnisyfirlit
# << MISSING >>
# Layers:
# << MISSING >>
# Import:
# Page: help_layers.php
# << MISSING >>
# Layers are useful for displaying other users' events in your own calendar. You can specifiy the user and the color the events will be displayed in.:
# << MISSING >>
# Add/Edit/Delete:
# << MISSING >>
# Clicking the Edit Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page will allow you to add/edit/delete layers.:
# << MISSING >>
# Specifies the user that you would like to see displayed in your calendar.:
# << MISSING >>
# The text color of the new layer that will be displayed in your calendar.:
# << MISSING >>
# If checked, events that are duplicates of your events will be shown.:
# << MISSING >>
# Disabling:
# << MISSING >>
# Press the Disable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn off layers.:
# << MISSING >>
# Enabling:
# << MISSING >>
# Press the Enable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn on layers.:
# Page: help_admin.php
# Page: week.php
# << MISSING >>
# cont.:
# Page: layers.php
# << MISSING >>
# to modify the layers settings for the:
# << MISSING >>
# Layers are currently:
# << MISSING >>
# Enabled:
# << MISSING >>
# Disabled:
# << MISSING >>
# Disable Layers:
# << MISSING >>
# Enable Layers:
# << MISSING >>
# Layer:
# << MISSING >>
# Edit layer:
# << MISSING >>
# Add layer:
# Page: layers_toggle.php
# Page: list_unapproved.php
View this entry: Skoša
Approve this entry?: Samžykkja?
Approve/Confirm: Samžykkja/Stašfesta
Reject this entry?: Hafna žessu atriši?
Reject: Hafna
# << MISSING >>
# No unapproved events for:
Unapproved Events: Ósamžykkt atriši
# << MISSING >>
# Public Access:
# Page: view_entry.php
# << MISSING >>
# every:
# << MISSING >>
# 2nd:
# << MISSING >>
# 3rd:
# << MISSING >>
# 4th:
# << MISSING >>
# 5th:
# << MISSING >>
# 1st:
# << MISSING >>
# last:
Description: Lżsing
# << MISSING >>
# Status:
# << MISSING >>
# Waiting for approval:
# << MISSING >>
# Deleted:
Rejected: Hafnaš
# << MISSING >>
# External User:
Approve/Confirm entry: Samžykkja/Stašfesta atriši
Reject entry: Hafna atriši
# << MISSING >>
# Set category:
# << MISSING >>
# Edit repeating entry for all dates:
# << MISSING >>
# Edit entry for this date:
This will delete this entry for all users.: Atriši veršur eytt hjį öllum notendum.
# << MISSING >>
# Delete repeating event for all dates:
# << MISSING >>
# Delete entry only for this date:
Edit entry: Breyta atriši
# << MISSING >>
# This will delete the entry from your calendar.:
# << MISSING >>
# Do you want to add this entry to your calendar?:
# << MISSING >>
# This will add the entry to your calendar.:
# << MISSING >>
# Add to My Calendar:
# << MISSING >>
# Email all participants:
# << MISSING >>
# Show activity log:
# << MISSING >>
# Hide activity log:
# << MISSING >>
# Export this entry to:
# Page: view_v.php
# Page: month.php
# Page: pref_handler.php
# Page: reject_entry.php
# << MISSING >>
# An appointment has been rejected by:
# << MISSING >>
# The description is:
Title: VefDagatal
# Page: search.php
Search: Leit
# << MISSING >>
# Advanced Search:
Keywords: Leitarorš
# Page: search_handler.php
You must enter one or more search keywords: Žś veršur aš slį inn amk eitt leitarorš
Search Results: Nišurstaša leitar
match found: fannst
matches found: fundust
No matches found: Ekkert fannst
# Page: select_user.php
View Another User's Calendar: Skoša dagatal annarra
Go: Velja
# Page: publish.php
# Page: users.php
denotes administrative user: tįknar stjórnanda
Add New User: Bęta nżjum notanda viš
# Page: usersel.php
# << MISSING >>
# All:
# << MISSING >>
# Reset:
# << MISSING >>
# Remove:
# << MISSING >>
# Ok:
# << MISSING >>
# Cancel:
# Page: import.php
# << MISSING >>
# This form will allow you to import entries from the Palm Desktop Datebook.:
# << MISSING >>
# Exclude private records:
# << MISSING >>
# Datebook File:
# << MISSING >>
# This form will import vCalendar (.vcs) 1.0 events:
# << MISSING >>
# vCal File:
# << MISSING >>
# This form will import iCalendar (.ics) events:
# << MISSING >>
# iCal File:
# << MISSING >>
# Overwrite Prior Import:
# Page: year.php
# Page: view_d.php
# Page: view_m.php
# Page: view_w.php
# Page: views.php
# << MISSING >>
# Views:
# << MISSING >>
# Add New View:
# Page: views_edit.php
# << MISSING >>
# Unnamed View:
# << MISSING >>
# Add View:
# << MISSING >>
# Edit View:
# << MISSING >>
# View Name:
# << MISSING >>
# View Type:
# << MISSING >>
# Week (Users horizontal):
# << MISSING >>
# Week (Users vertical):
# << MISSING >>
# Week (Timebar):
# << MISSING >>
# Month (side by side):
# << MISSING >>
# Month (on same calendar):
# Page: nonusers.php
# << MISSING >>
# English text: NONUSER_PREFIX has not been set in config.php.
# << MISSING >>
# NonUser:
# English text: NonUser Calendars
# << MISSING >>
# Calendar ID:
# << MISSING >>
# Add New NonUser Calendar:
# Page: nonusers_handler.php
# Page: view_l.php
# Page: help_pref.php
# << MISSING >>
# default-category-help:
# English text: Specifies the category a new event should default to.
# Page: report.php
Private: Einka
# << MISSING >>
# Approved:
# << MISSING >>
# Unknown:
# << MISSING >>
# to manage reports for the Public Access calendar:
# << MISSING >>
# Add new report:
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid report id:
# << MISSING >>
# Manage Reports:
# Page: login.php
You must enter a login and password: Žś veršur aš slį inn notandanafn og lykilorš
Save login via cookies so I don't have to login next time: Vista upplżsingar meš kökum
Login: Skrį inn
# << MISSING >>
# Access public calendar:
cookies-note: Athugiš: Kökur verša aš vera virkar
# Page: views_edit_handler.php
# << MISSING >>
# You must specify a view name:
# Page: week_details.php
New Entry: Nżtt atriši
# Page: import_handler.php
# << MISSING >>
# Import Results:
# << MISSING >>
# Events successfully imported:
# << MISSING >>
# Events from prior import marked as deleted:
# << MISSING >>
# Conflicting events:
# << MISSING >>
# Errors:
Back to My Calendar: Aftur ķ mitt dagatal
# << MISSING >>
# There was an error parsing the import file or no events were returned:
# << MISSING >>
# The import file contained no data:
The following conflicts with the suggested time: Eftirfarandi stangast į viš tķma
Unnamed Event: Ónafngreint atriši
Scheduling Conflict: Scheduling Conflict
conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: stangast į viš eftirfarandi atriši
# << MISSING >>
# Event Imported:
# Page: edit_report.php
# << MISSING >>
# Tomorrow:
# << MISSING >>
# Today:
# << MISSING >>
# Yesterday:
# << MISSING >>
# Day before yesterday:
# << MISSING >>
# Next week:
# << MISSING >>
# This week:
# << MISSING >>
# Last week:
# << MISSING >>
# Week before last:
# << MISSING >>
# Next week and week after:
# << MISSING >>
# This week and next week:
# << MISSING >>
# Last week and this week:
# << MISSING >>
# Last two weeks:
# << MISSING >>
# Next month:
# << MISSING >>
# This month:
# << MISSING >>
# Last month:
# << MISSING >>
# Month before last:
# << MISSING >>
# Next year:
# << MISSING >>
# This year:
# << MISSING >>
# Last year:
# << MISSING >>
# Year before last:
# << MISSING >>
# Unnamed Report:
# << MISSING >>
# Add Report:
# << MISSING >>
# Edit Report:
# << MISSING >>
# Report name:
Current User: Nśverandi notandi
# << MISSING >>
# Include link in trailer:
# << MISSING >>
# Include standard header/trailer:
# << MISSING >>
# Date range:
# << MISSING >>
# Include previous/next links:
# << MISSING >>
# Include empty dates:
# << MISSING >>
# Template variables:
# << MISSING >>
# Page template:
# << MISSING >>
# Day template:
# << MISSING >>
# Event template:
# << MISSING >>
# Are you sure you want to delete this report?:
# Page: assistant_edit.php
# << MISSING >>
# Assistants:
# << MISSING >>
# Yours assistants:
# Page: view_t.php
# Page: assistant_edit_handler.php
# Page: adminhome.php
Account: Reikningur
# << MISSING >>
# NonUser Calendars:
# << MISSING >>
# Delete Events:
# << MISSING >>
# Public Preferences:
# << MISSING >>
# Unapproved Public Events:
# << MISSING >>
# Administrative Tools:
# Page: purge.php
# << MISSING >>
# Purging events for:
# << MISSING >>
# Finished:
# << MISSING >>
# Delete all events before:
# << MISSING >>
# Check box to delete ALL events for a user:
# << MISSING >>
# Are you sure you want to delete events for:
# Page: help_import.php
# << MISSING >>
# Palm Desktop:
# << MISSING >>
# It should be located in your Palm directory in datebook/datebook.dat in a subdirectory named by your username.:
# << MISSING >>
# The following entries will not be imported:
# << MISSING >>
# Entries older than the current date:
# << MISSING >>
# Entries created in the Palm Desktop that have not been HotSync'd:
# << MISSING >>
# Anything imported from Palm will be overwritten during the next import (unless the event date has passed).:
# << MISSING >>
# Therefore, updates should be made in the Palm Desktop.:
# << MISSING >>
# vCal:
# << MISSING >>
# The following formats have been tested:
# << MISSING >>
# Palm Desktop 4:
# << MISSING >>
# Lotus Organizer 6:
# << MISSING >>
# Microsoft Outlook 2002:
# << MISSING >>
# iCalendar:
# << MISSING >>
# Enabling Overwrite Prior Import will cause events imported previously that used the same UID as an event from the new import file to be marked as deleted. This should allow an updated iCalendar file to be imported without creating duplicates.:
# Page: edit_report_handler.php
# << MISSING >>
# Variable N not found:
# Page: edit_entry_handler.php
A new appointment has been made for you by: Nżr fundur hefur veriš bśinn til af
# << MISSING >>
# An appointment has been updated by:
The subject is: Tilefniš er
Please look on: Vinsamlegast skošiš
to accept or reject this appointment: til aš stašfesta eša hafna žessum fundi
to view this appointment: til aš skoša fund
Your suggested time of: Uppgefinn tķmi
# Page: set_entry_cat.php
# << MISSING >>
# You have not added any categories:
# << MISSING >>
# Set Category:
# Page: edit_template.php
# << MISSING >>
# Edit Custom Script/Stylesheet:
# << MISSING >>
# Edit Custom Header:
# << MISSING >>
# Edit Custom Trailer:
# Page: includes/trailer.php
Go to: Fara ķ
My Calendar: Dagatališ mitt
Logout: Skrį śt
Another User's Calendar: Dagatal annarra
Add New Entry: Bęta viš
# << MISSING >>
# Manage Views:
# << MISSING >>
# Manage calendar of:
# Page: includes/connect.php
# Page: includes/user.php
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid login:
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid user login:
# Page: includes/site_extras.php
# << MISSING >>
# Send Reminder:
# Page: includes/translate.php
# Page: includes/user-ldap.php
# Page: includes/user-nis.php
# Page: includes/help_trailer.php
# Page: includes/dbtable.php
# Page: includes/init.php
# << MISSING >>
# charset:
# Page: includes/functions.php
This event is confidential: Žetta er trśnašarmįl
# << MISSING >>
# exceeds limit of XXX events per day:
# << MISSING >>
# You have XXX unapproved events:
January: Janśar
February: Febrśar
March: Mars
April: Aprķl
May_: Maķ
June: Jśnķ
July: Jślķ
August: Įgśst
September: September
October: Október
November: Nóvember
Jan: Jan
Feb: Feb
Mar: Mar
Apr: Apr
May: Maķ
Jun: Jśn
Jul: Jśl
Aug: Įgś
Sep: Sep
Oct: Okt
Nov: Nóv
Dec: Des
# Page: includes/js/admin.php
# << MISSING >>
# Server URL is required:
# << MISSING >>
# Server URL must end with '/':
Invalid color for document background: Ólöglegur litur ķ bakgrunni
Invalid color for document title: Ólöglegur litur ķ titli
Invalid color for table cell background: Ólöglegur litur ķ bakgrunni taflna
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid color for table grid:
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid color for table header background:
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid color for table text background:
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid color for event popup background:
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid color for event popup text:
Invalid color for table cell background for today: Ólöglegur litur ķ bakgrunni taflna nśverandi dags
Color format should be '#RRGGBB': Form lita į aš vera '#RRGGBB'
# Page: includes/js/edit_entry.php
You have not entered a Brief Description: Stutta lżsingu vantar
You have not entered a valid time of day: Rangur tķmi sleginn inn
# << MISSING >>
# The time you have entered begins before your preferred work hours. Is this correct?:
# Page: includes/js/edit_layer.php
# << MISSING >>
# Invalid color:
# Page: includes/js/pref.php
# Page: tools/send_reminders.php
# << MISSING >>
# This is a reminder for the event detailed below.:
# << MISSING >>
# Reminder: