ÿþ#Use this as a starting point to translate this application into
# another language. The format is "English text: translated text"
# There cannot be a ":" in the English text.
# Translated by:
# Malen Malenov malen_malenov@yahoo.com
# Last update: 12.11.2003
# Check out the tools directory which contains two perl scripts:
# check_translation.pl will tell you if you have successfully translated
# all required text
# update_translation.pl will take an old translation file and move the
# translations around so they age grouped by the page they appear in.
# It will also identify any missing translations and tag them
# with a comment. If it is a non-english translation, the english
# translation will be included in the comment to simplify completing
# the translation.
# Note: You will notice the entry for "May_" below. There's a reason for
# this. Translate "May_" to the full month name and "May" to the three-letter
# month abbreviation (like "Oct" for "October").
# Translation last updated on 07-21-2003
# Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page)
charset: windows-1251
# Page: admin.php
System Settings: !8AB5<=8 =0AB@>9:8
You are not authorized: 5 AB5 C?J;=><>I5=8
Note: 015;56:0
Your user preferences: 0H8B5 ?>B@518B5;A:8 ?@54?>G8B0=8O
may be affecting the appearance of this page.: <>30B 40 A5 >B@07OB =0 =0G8=0, ?> :>9B> A5 287C0;878@0 B078 AB@0=8F0.
Click here: 0B8A=5B5 BC:
to not use your user preferences when viewing this page: 70 40 =5 1J40B 87?>;720=8 ?>B@518B5;A:8B5 8 ?@54?>G8B0=8O :>30B> >B20@OB5 B078 AB@0=8F0.
are being ignored while viewing this page.: A5 83=>@8@0B ?@8 >B20@O=5 =0 B078 AB@0=8F0.
to load your user preferences when viewing this page: 70 1J40B 70@545=8 ?>B@518B5;A:8B5 8 ?@54?>G8B0=8O :>30B> >B20@OB5 B078 AB@0=8F0
Save: 0?078
Help: ><>I
Settings: 0AB@>9:8
app-name-help: ?@545;O 8<5B> =0 ?@8;>65=85B>, :>5B> I5 A5 ?>O2O20 2 B09BJ;-10@0 =0 1@0C75@0 =0 2A8G:8 AB@0=8F8 8 =0 AB@0=8F0B0 70 @538AB@0F8O. !B>9=>ABB0, :>OB> 8715@5B5 BC: I5 1J45 ?>BJ@A5=0 2J2 D09;0 70 ?@52>4 :0B> ?> B>78 =0G8= I5 8 ?>72>;O20 40 >?@545;OB5 @07;8G=8 703;028O 70 @07;8G=8B5 578F8.
Application Name: <5 =0 ?@8;>65=85B>
server-url-help: ?@545;O >A=>2=8O URL =0 ?@8;>65=85B>. ">9 I5 1J45 2:;NG20= :>30B> 87?@0I0B5 8725AB8O 8 =0?><=O=8O ?> e-mail.
Server URL: URL =0 AJ@2J@0
language-help: ?@545;O :>9 578: 40 1J45 87?>;720=.
Language: 78:
Your browser default language is: > ?>4@0718@0=5, 578:JB =0 0H8O 1@0C75@ 5
fonts-help: ?@545;O A?8AJ:JB >B A8AB5<=8 D>=B>25, :>8B> I5 1J40B 87?>;720=8 (:0B> =0?@. "Arial, Helvetica")
Fonts: $>=B>25
preferred-view-help: ?@545;O 873;54 ?> ?>4@0718@0=5 (45=, A54<8F0, <5A5F 8;8 3>48=0).
Preferred view: @54?>G8B0= 873;54
Day: 5=
Week: !54<8F0
Month: 5A5F
Year: >48=0
display-weekends-help: :;NG20=5 =0 C8:5=48B5 2 A54<8G=8O 873;54.
Display weekends in week view: >:0720=5 =0 C8:5=48B5 2 A54<8G=8O 873;54
Yes: 0
No: 5
date-format-help: ?@545;O ?@54?>G8B0=8O D>@<0B =0 40B0B0.
Date format: $>@<0B =0 40B0B0
December: 5:5<2@8
time-format-help: ?@545;O :>9 2@5<528 D>@<0B 40 1J45 87?>;720=:
12-G0A>2: >:0720 2@5<5B> :0B> 3am, 8:30pm 8 B.=.
24-G0A>2: >:0720 2@5<5B> :0B> 3.00, 20.30 8 B.=.
Time format: @5<528 D>@<0B
12 hour: 12-G0A>2
24 hour: 24-G0A>2
time-interval-help: ?@545;O 3>;5<8=0B0 =0 2@5<528B5 1;>:>25 2 A54<8G=8O 8 4=52=8O 873;54.
Time interval: @5<528 8=B5@20;
hour: G0A
minutes: <8=CB8
auto-refresh-help: >30B> 5 0:B828@0=0, 4=52=8OB, A54<8G=8OB, <5A5G=8OB 873;54 8 A?8AJ:JB A =5>4>1@5=8 AB@0=8F8 ?5@8>48G5A:8 I5 A5 0:BC0;878@0B 02B><0B8G=>.
Auto-refresh calendars: 2B><0B8G=> 0:BC0;878@0=5 =0 :0;5=40@8B5
auto-refresh-time-help: :> 02B><0B8G=>B> 0:BC0;878@0=5 5 0:B828@0=>, A B>20 A5 >?@545;O 2@5<5B> <564C 425 0:BC0;870F88.
Auto-refresh time: 5@8>4 =0 02B><0B8G=> 0:BC0;878@0=5
require-approvals-help: >30B> 5 0:B828@0=>, ?>B@518B5;OB B@O120 40 >4>1@8 4045=> AJ18B85 ?@548 B> 40 1J45 ?>:070=> 2 :0;5=40@0 <C (>A25= 0:> =5 5 0:B828@0=> >:0720=5 =0 =5>4>1@5=8B5). 015;565B5, G5 0:> 8715@5B5 "5", B>20 =O<0 40 87:;NG8 >4>1@O20=5B> ?@8 0;5=40@0 A ?C1;8G5= 4>ABJ? (0:> 0;5=40@JB A ?C1;8G5= 4>ABJ? 5 0:B828@0=).
Require event approvals: 78A:209 >4>1@5=85 70 AJ18B8OB0
display-unapproved-help: ?@545;O 40;8 =5>4>1@5=8B5 AJ18B8O 1820B ?>:0720=8 2 :0;5=40@0 8.
:> 5 871@0=> "0", B>3020 =5>4>1@5=8B5 AJ18B8O I5 1J40B ?>:0720=8 2 :0;5=40@0 8 (A @07;8G5= F2OB).
:> 5 871@0=> "5", B>3020 =5>4>1@5=8B5 AJ18B8O B@O120 40 1J40B >4>1@5=8 ?@548 40 1J40B ?>:070=8 2 :0;5=40@0 8.
Display unapproved: >:0720=5 =0 =5>4>1@5=8B5
display-week-number-help: ?@545;O 40;8 =><5@0 =0 A54<8F0B0 (1-52) 40 1J45 ?>:0720= 2 <5A5G=8O 8 A54<8G=8O 873;54.
Display week number: >:0720=5 =><5@0B0 =0 A54<8F8B5
display-week-starts-on: ?@545;O 40;8 A54<8F0B0 70?>G20 2 =545;O 8;8 2 ?>=545;=8:. :> 5 871@0= ">=545;=8:", B>3020 =><5@0B0 =0 A54<8F8B5 I5 1J40B AJ>1@075=8 A ISO.
Week starts on: !54<8F0B0 70?>G20 2
Sunday: 545;O
Monday: >=545;=8:
work-hours-help: ?@545;O 2@5<528O >B@O7J:, :>9B> 40 1J45 ?>:0720= ?@8 4=52=8O 873;54.
Work hours: 01>B=8 G0A>25
From: B
to: 4>
disable-priority-field-help: @8 871>@ =0 "0" ?>;5B> "@8>@8B5B" 2 AB@0=8F0B0 70 8=D>@<0F8O =0 4045=> AJ18B85 >B?040 :0B> ?> B>78 =0G8= ?@028 8=B5@D59A0 ?>-4>ABJ?5= 70 =0G8=05I8B5.
Disable Priority field: 570:B828@0=5 =0 ?>;5B> "@8>@8B5B"
disable-access-field-help: @8 871>@ =0 "0" ?>;5B> ">ABJ?" 2 AB@0=8F0B0 70 8=D>@<0F8O =0 4045=> AJ18B85 >B?040 :0B> ?> B>78 =0G8= ?@028 8=B5@D59A0 ?>-4>ABJ?5= 70 =0G8=05I8B5.
Disable Access field: 570:B828@0=5 =0 ?>;5B> ">ABJ?"
disable-participants-field-help: @8 871>@ =0 "0" ?>;5B> "#G0AB=8F8" I5 >B?04=5 >B AB@0=8F0B0 70 8=D>@<0F8O =0 4045=> AJ18B85 :0B> ?> B>78 =0G8= I5 ?>?@5G8 =0 ?>B@518B5;8B5 40 4>102OB 4@C38 ?>B@518B5;8 :J< B5E=8B5 AJ18B8O. :> 0:B828@0B5 B078 2J7<>6=>AB <>65 18 I5 8A:0B5 AJI> B0:0 40 4570:B828@0B5 ?>;5B> "J7<>6=>AB 40 A5 28640B :0;5=40@8B5 =0 4@C38B5 ?>B@518B5;8".
Disable Participants field: 570:B828@0=5 =0 ?>;5B> "#G0AB=8F8"
disable-repeating-field-help: @8 871>@ =0 "0" ?>;5B> ">2B>@O5<>AB" I5 >B?04=5 ?@8 4>102O=5 =0 AJ18B8O. ">20 I5 =0?@028 8=B5@D59A0 ?>-4>ABJ?5= 70 =0G8=05I8B5.
Disable Repeating field: 570:B828@0=5 =0 ?>;5B> ">2B>@O5<>AB"
allow-view-other-help: ?@545;O 40;8 ?>B@518B5;OB <>65 40 28640 :0;5=40@0 =0 4@C3 ?>B@518B5;.
Allow viewing other user's calendars: J7<>6=>AB 40 1J40B 28640=8 :0;5=40@8B5 =0 4@C38 ?>B@518B5;8.
allow-public-access-help: >30B> 5 0:B828@0=>, :0;5=40@JB <>65 40 1J45 87?>;720= :0B> read-only C1;8G5= :0;5=40@, :>9B> =5 878A:20 ?>B@518B5;8B5 40 A5 @538AB@8@0B ?@5420@8B5;=>.
Allow public access: 07@5H020=5 =0 C1;8G5= 4>ABJ?
public-access-view-others-help: @8 4>ABJ? 4> A8AB5<0B0 A ?C1;8G5= 4>ABJ? >?@545;O 40;8 ?>B@518B5;OB <>65 40 28640 :0;5=40@0 =0 4@C3 ?>B@518B5; =0 :0;5=40@0.
Public access can view other users: C1;8G=8OB 4>ABJ? <>65 40 28640 8 4@C38 ?>B@518B5;8
public-access-can-add-help: >30B> 5 0:B828@0=>, ?>B@518B5;8B5, :>8B> 8<0B 4>ABJ? 4> A8AB5<0B0 G@57 C1;8G=8O 4>ABJ? I5 <>30B 40 4>102OB AJ18B8O, => =O<0 40 A5 ?>O2O20B 2 :0;5=40@0 4>:0B> =O:>9 >B 04<8=8AB@0B>@8B5 =5 >4>1@8 =>2>B> AJ18B85.
Public access can add events: C1;8G=8OB 4>ABJ? <>65 40 4>102O AJ18B8O
public-access-add-requires-approval-help: ?@545;O 40;8 AJ18B8OB0, 4>1025=8 G@57 0:0C=B0 70 ?C1;8G5= 4>ABJ? 878A:20B >4>1@5=85 ?@548 40 1J40B ?>:070=8.
Public access new events require approval: >28B5 AJ18B8O =0 C1;8G=8O 4>ABJ? 878A:20B >4>1@5=85
allow-view-add-help: 873;548B5 I5 1J45 2:;NG5=0 8:>=0 '+', ?>72>;O20I0 =0 ?>B@518B5;8B5 1J@7> 40 4>102OB AJ18B8O :J< :0;5=40@8B5 =0 4@C38 ?>B@518B5;8.
Include add event link in views: :;NG20=5 =0 ;8=: ">102O=5 =0 AJ18B85" 2 873;548B5.
allow-external-users-help: @;5751O 40;8 ?>B@518B5; 872J= :0;5=40@8B5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@8102O= :J< AJ18B85. ">20 ?>72>;O20 =0 ?>B@518B5;8 872J= :0;5=40@8B5 40 1J40B >?8A20=8 :0B> CG0AB=8F8 2 4045=> AJ18B85.
Allow external users: J7<>6=> 5 40 8<0 2J=H=8 ?>B@518B5;8
external-can-receive-notification-help: >30B> A0 0:B828@0=8 2J=H=8 ?>B@518B5;8 8 87?>;720=5 =0 e-mail, 2J=H=8B5 ?>B@518B5;8 <>30B 40 ?>;CG020B 8725AB8O ?> e-mail :>30B> 1820 4>1025=>, 0:BC0;878@0=> 8;8 87B@8B> 4045=> AJ18B85 (0:> 5 ?>A>G5= e-mail 04@5AJB =0 2J=H=8O ?>B@518B5;).
External users can receive email notifications: J=H=8B5 ?>B@518B5;8 <>30B 40 ?>;CG020B 8725AB8O ?> e-mail
external-can-receive-reminder-help: >30B> A0 0:B828@0=8 2J=H=8 ?>B@518B5;8 8 87?>;720=5 =0 e-mail, 2J=H=8B5 ?>B@518B5;8 <>30B 40 ?>;CG020B ?>4A5I0=8O ?> e-mail (0:> 5 ?>A>G5= e-mail 04@5AJB =0 2J=H=8O ?>B@518B5;).
External users can receive email reminders: J=H=8B5 ?>B@518B5;8 <>30B 40 ?>;CG020B ?>4A5I0=8O ?> e-mail
remember-last-login-help: >30B> 5 0:B828@0=>, @538AB@0F8>==0B0 8=D>@<0F8O =0 ?>B@518B5;O I5 1J45 ?>?J;=5=0 2<5AB> =53> =0 AB@0=8F0B0 70 @538AB@0F8O (A 87:;NG5=85 =0 ?0@>;0B0) 8 ?>B@518B5;A:8B5 ?@54?>G8B0=8O I5 1J40B 70@545=8 (2:;NG8B5;=> ?@54?>G5B5=8B5 >B BOE F25B>25 8 578:).
Remember last login: 0?><=8 ?>A;54=8O 2;57J; ?>B@518B5;
conflict-check-help: @>25@:0 70 :>=D;8:B8 =0 AJ18B8O (425 AJ18B8O, =0A@>G5=8 70 54=> 8 AJI> 2@5<5 8 70 548= 8 AJI8 G>25:). :> 8715@5B5 "0", 2A5 >I5 I5 1J45B5 2 AJAB>O=85 40 =0A@>G20B5 425 AJ18B8O 70 54=> 8 AJI> 2@5<5 A;54 :0B> ?>B2J@48B5 ?@54C?@5645=85B>. :> 8715@5B5 "5", =O<0 40 8<0 ?@>25@:0 70 :>=D;8:B8. 5@>OB=> I5 ?>65;05B5 40 8715@5B5 "0" 70 40 <>65 40 8<0 ?@>25@:0 70 :>=D;8:B8.
Check for event conflicts: @>25@:0 70 :>=D;8:B8 =0 AJ18B8O
conflict-months-help: :> 5 871@0=0 ?@>25@:0 70 :>=D;8:B8 ("@>25@:0 70 :>=D;8:B8 =0 AJ18B8O" 5 =0 "0"), B>20 >?@545;O :>;:> <5A5F0 2 1J45I5B> 1820B ?@>25@O20=8 70 :>=D;8:B8. :> AG8B0B5, G5 4>102O=5B> =0 AJ18B8O >B=5<0 B2J@45 4J;3> 2@5<5, =0<0;5B5 B078 F8D@0.
Conflict checking months: 5A5F8, :>8B> A5 ?@>25@O20B 70 :>=D;8:B8
conflict-check-override-help: >72>;O20 =0 ?>B@518B5;8B5 40 83=>@8@0B :>=D;8:B8 =0 AJ18B8O 8 40 =0A@>G20B 425 8;8 ?>25G5 AJ18B8O 70 54=> 8 AJI> 2@5<5.
Allow users to override conflicts: >B@518B5;8B5 <>30B 40 83=>@8@0B :>=D;8:B8B5
limit-appts-help: >72>;O20 =0 A8AB5<=8O 04<8=8AB@0B>@ 40 =0;030 ;8<8B =0 FO;0B0 A8AB5<0 ?> >B=>H5=85 =0 1@>O 0=3068<5=B8, :>8B> <>65 40 8<0 2A5:8 548= ?>B@518B5; 70 548= 45=.
Limit number of timed events per day: 3@0=8G020=5 1@>O =0 =0A@>G5=8B5 AJ18B8O 70 548= 45=
limit-appts-number-help: ?@545;O <0:A8<0;=8O 1@>9 =0A@>G5=8 AJ18B8O, :>8B> <>65 40 8<0 548= ?>B@518B5; 70 548= 45=
Maximum timed events per day: 0:A8<C< =0A@>G5=8 AJ18B8O =0 45=
Plugins: ;J3-8=-8
plugins-enabled-help: :B828@0=5 =0 ?;J3-8= ?@8;>65=8O.
Enable Plugins: :B828@0=5 =0 ?;J3-8=-8
plugins-sort-key-help: ?@545;O 15;578 70 A>@B8@0=5 =0 ?;J3-8=-8B5. ">20 ?>72>;O20 ?;J3-8=-8B5 40 A5 ?>O2O20B 2 >?@545;5= @54.
Plugin: ;J3-8=
Groups: @C?8
groups-enabled-help: :B828@0 ?>44@J6:0B0 =0 3@C?8, :>OB> ?>72>;O20 =0 ?>B@518B5;8B5 40 8718@0B 4@C38 ?>B@518B5;8 A?>@54 3@C?8B5 8<.
Groups enabled: @C?8B5 A0 0:B828@0=8
user-sees-his-group-help: >30B> 5 0:B828@0=>, ?>B@518B5;8B5 =O<0 40 28640B ?>B@518B5;8 =0 :0;5=40@0, :>8B> =5 A0 2 ?>=5 54=0 >B B5E=8B5 3@C?8.
User sees only his groups: >B@518B5;OB 28640 A0<> A2>8B5 3@C?8
Categories: 0B53>@88
categories-enabled-help: :B828@0 ?>44@J6:0B0 =0 :0B53>@88 AJ18B8O.
Categories enabled: 0B53>@88B5 A0 0:B828@0=8
Nonuser: 5-?>B@518B5;A:8 :0;5=40@8
nonuser-enabled-help: :> 5 0:B828@0=>, 04<8=8AB@0B>@8B5 I5 8<0B 2J7<>6=>ABB0 40 4>102OB =5-?>B@518B5;A:8 :0;5=40@8
Nonuser enabled: 5-?>B@518B5;A:8B5 :0;5=40@8 A0 0:B828@0=8
nonuser-list-help: J45 40 1J40B ?>:0720=8 =5-?>B@518B5;A:8B5 :0;5=40@8 2 A?8AJ:0 A CG0AB=8F8
Nonuser list: >:0720=5 2 A?8AJ:0 A CG0AB=8F8
Top: 09->B3>@5
Bottom: 09->B4>;C
Reports: >:;048
reports-enabled-help: :> 5 0:B828@0=>, ?>B@518B5;8B5 I5 28640B @0745; ">:;048" 2 4J=>B> =0 2AO:0 AB@0=8F0 8 I5 A0 2 AJAB>O=85 40 AJ74020B A?5F8D8G=8 4>:;048. 4>?J;=5=85, 04<8=8AB@0B82=8B5 ?>B@518B5;8 <>30B 40 AJ74020B 3;>10;=8 4>:;048, :>8B> I5 A5 ?>O2O20B 2 4J=>B> =0 2A8G:8 ?>B@518B5;A:8 AB@0=8F8.
Reports enabled: >:;048B5 A0 0:B828@0=8
Subscribe/Publish: 1>=8@0=5/C1;8:C20=5
subscriptions-enabled-help: Specifies if remote users can subscribe to a WebCalendar user's calendar, allowing them to see the WebCalendar user's events in their iCal-enabled application (such as Apple's iCal or Mozilla Calendar).
Allow remote subscriptions: 07@5H020=5 =0 01>=0<5=B >B @07AB>O=85
Email: E-mail
email-enabled-help: :;NG20=5 8;8 87:;NG20=5 87?@0I0=5B> =0 e-mail-8 70 8725AB8O 8 ?>4A5I0=8O. 715@5B5 "5" 0:> =0AB@>9:8B5 =0 0H8O AJ@2J@ =5 ?>72>;O20B 87?@0I0=5 =0 e-mail.
Email enabled: E-mail-JB 5 0:B828@0=
email-default-sender: ?@545;O e-mail 04@5AJB, :>9B> I5 1J45 ?>A>G5= :0B> "?>40B5;" :>30B> A5 87?@0I0B ?>4A5I0=8O.
Default sender address: 4@5A =0 ?>40B5;O ?> ?>4@0718@0=5
Default user settings: >B@518B5;A:8 =0AB@>9:8 ?> ?>4@0718@0=5
email-event-reminders-help: ?@545;O 40;8 40 1J40B 87?@0I0=8 ?>4A5I0=8O 70 AJ18B8O.
Event reminders: >4A5I0=8O 70 AJ18B8O
email-event-added: ?@545;O 40;8 40 1J40B 87?@0I0=8 8725AB8O ?> e-mail :>30B> :J< :0;5=40@0 8 5 4>1025=> AJ18B85.
Events added to my calendar: J< :0;5=40@0 <8 5 4>1025=> AJ18B85
email-event-updated: ?@545;O 40;8 40 1J40B 87?@0I0=8 8725AB8O ?> e-mail :>30B> AJ18B85 2 :0;5=40@0 5 18;> 0:BC0;878@0=>.
Events updated on my calendar: :0;5=40@0 <8 5 0:BC0;878@0=> AJ18B85
email-event-deleted: ?@545;O 40;8 40 1J40B 87?@0I0=8 8725AB8O ?> e-mail :>30B> >B :0;5=40@0 5 ?@5<0E=0B> AJ18B85.
Events removed from my calendar: B :0;5=40@0 <8 5 ?@5<0E=0B> AJ18B85
email-event-rejected: ?@545;O 40;8 40 1J40B 87?@0I0=8 8725AB8O ?> e-mail :>30B> =O:>9 CG0AB=8: >B:065 AJ18B85, :>5B> 5 =0 0H8O :0;5=40@.
Event rejected by participant: !J18B85 1820 >BE2J@;5=> >B AB@0=0 =0 CG0AB=8:
colors-help: A8G:8 F25B>25 B@O120 40 1J40B 2J2545=8 2 E5:A045F8<0;=8O D>@<0B "#RRGGBB", :J45B> "RR" 5 E5:A045F8<0;=0B0 AB>9=>AB 70 G5@25=>, "GG" 5 E5:A045F8<0;=0B0 AB>9=>AB 70 75;5=> 8 "BB" 5 E5:A045F8<0;=0B0 AB>9=>AB 70 A8=L>.
Colors: &25B>25
Allow user to customize colors: >B@518B5;8B5 <>30B 40 8718@0B F25B>25
Document background: $>= =0 4>:C<5=B0
Select: 715@8
Document title: 03;0285 =0 4>:C<5=B0
Document text: "5:AB =0 4>:C<5=B0
Table grid color: &2OB =0 B01;8G=8O :>=BC@
Table header background: $>=>2 F2OB =0 B01;8G=8O header
Table header text: "5:AB =0 B01;8G=8O header
Table cell background: $>= =0 B01;8G=8B5 :;5B:8
Table cell background for current day: $>=>2 F2OB =0 B01;8G=0B0 :;5B:0 70 4=5H=8O 45=
Table cell background for weekends: &2OB =0 B01;8G=8B5 :;5B:8 70 C8:5=48B5
Event popup background: $>=>2 F2OB 70 popup =0 AJ18B8OB0
Event popup text: &2OB =0 popup B5:AB0
# Page: activity_log.php
Activity Log: 0?8A =0 459AB28OB0
User: >B@518B5;
Calendar: 0;5=40@
Date: 0B0
Time: @5<5
Event: !J18B85
Action: 59AB285
Event created: !J18B85B> 5 2J2545=>
Event approved: !J18B85B> 5 >4>1@5=>
Event rejected: !J18B85B> 5 >B:070=>
Event updated: !J18B85B> 5 0:BC0;878@0=>
Event deleted: !J18B85B> 5 87B@8B>
Notification sent: 725AB85B> 5 87?@0B5=>
Reminder sent: 0?><=O=5B> 5 87?@0B5=>
Database error: @5H:0 2 1070B0 40==8
Previous: @548H=>
Next: !;5420I>
# Page: add_entry.php
Invalid entry id: 520;84=> id =0 70?8A0
This is a private event and may not be added to your calendar.: ">20 5 ;8G=> AJ18B85 8 =5 <>65 40 1J45 4>1025=> :J< :0;5=40@0 8.
Error adding event: @5H:0 ?@8 4>102O=5 =0 AJ18B85B>.
# Page: admin_handler.php
Error: @5H:0
The following error occurred: >O28 A5 A;54=0B0 3@5H:0
# Page: approve_entry.php
Error approving event: @5H:0 ?@8 >4>1@5=85 =0 AJ18B85B>
# Page: category.php
Add: >102O=5
Category Name: <5 =0 :0B53>@8OB0
Global: ;>10;=0
Delete: 7B@820=5
Are you sure you want to delete this entry?: !83C@=8 ;8 AB5, G5 65;05B5 40 87B@85B5 B>78 70?8A?
Add New Category: >102O=5 =0 =>20 :0B53>@8O
# Page: category_handler.php
# Page: datesel.php
# Page: day.php
Admin mode: 4<8=8AB@0B>@A:8 @568<
Assistant mode: A8AB5=BA:8 @568<
Generate printer-friendly version: 5=5@8@0=5 =0 873;54, C4>15= 70 >B?5G0B20=5
Printer Friendly: #4>1=> 70 >B?5G0B20=5
# Page: del_entry.php
Hello: 4@0259B5
An appointment has been canceled for you by: 0H 0=3068<5=B 15H5 >B<5=5= >B
The subject was: "5<0B0 15H5
Notification: 725AB85
# Page: edit_entry.php
Edit Entry: 540:B8@0=5 =0 70?8A
Add Entry: >102O=5 =0 70?8A
brief-description-help: A83C@O20 :@0B:> >?8A0=85 (>B >:>;> 20 7=0:0) =0 AJ18B85B>. "> I5 ?@54AB02O AJ18B85B> ?@8 ?@53;54 =0 :0;5=40@0.
Brief Description: @0B:> >?8A0=85
full-description-help: A83C@O20 ?>4@>1=> >?8A0=85 =0 AJ18B85B>. "078 8=D>@<0F8O <>65 40 1J45 ?>;CG5=0 :>30B> ?>B@518B5;OB ?@53;5640 AJ18B85B>.
Full Description: J;=> >?8A0=85
date-help: ?@545;O 40B0B0 =0 AJ18B85B>.
time-help: ?@545;O 2@5<5B> =0 AJ18B85B>.
715@5B5 8;8 "0A@>G5=> AJ18B85" (70 AJ18B85, :>5B> 5 70?;0=C20=> 70 B>G=> >?@545;5= G0A 2 B>78 45=), "5-=0A@>G5=> AJ18B85" (70 AJ18B85, :>5B> =O<0 :>=:@5B5= G0A (:0B> =0?@. ?@07=8:), 8;8 "&5;>4=52=> AJ18B85" (70 AJ18B85, :>5B> B@05 FO; 45= (:0B> =0?@. 40 >BAJAB20H >B >D8A0).
am: am
pm: pm
Untimed event: 5-=0A@>G5=> AJ18B85
Timed event: 0A@>G5=> AJ18B85
All day event: &5;>4=52=> AJ18B85
duration-help: ?@545;O ?@>4J;68B5;=>ABB0 (2 G0A>25:<8=CB8) =0 AJ18B85B>.
">20 ?>;5 <>65 40 1J45 >AB025=> ?@07=>.
Duration: @>4J;68B5;=>AB
hours: G0A>25
priority-help: ?@545;O ?@8>@8B5B0 =0 AJ18B85B>. !J18B8O A 28A>: ?@8>@8B5B I5 1J40B 87?8A20=8 2 "bold".
Priority: @8>@8B5B
Low: =8AJ:
Medium: A@545=
High: 28A>:
access-help: ?@545;O =82>B> =0 4>ABJ? =0 AJ18B85B>.
C1;8G=>: A5:8 <>65 40 2848 ?J;=0B0 8=D>@<0F8O 70 AJ18B85B>.
>=D845=F80;=>: @C38B5 <>30B 40 284OB, G5 8<0B5 70?;0=C20=> AJ18B85 70 B078 40B0 8 G0A, => =5 8 :0:2> B>G=> 5 B>.
Access: >ABJ?
Public: C1;8G=>
Confidential: >=D845=F80;=>
category-help: ?@545;O :0B53>@8OB0 =0 AJ18B85B>.
Category: 0B53>@8O
None: 8B> 54=>
days: 4=8
before event: ?@548 AJ18B85B>
participants-help: @54AB02O A?8AJ: =0 CG0AB=8F8B5 2 AJ18B85B>.
Participants: #G0AB=8F8
external-participants-help: ?@545;O A?8AJ:JB A CG0AB=8F8 2 AJ18B85B>, :>8B> =5 A0 ?>B@518B5;8 =0 :0;5=40@0. >B@518B5;8B5 B@O120 40 1J40B 871@>5=8 =0 >B45;=8 @54>25 :0B> <>65 40 1J45 ?>A>G5= 8 e-mail 70 2A5:8. :> 1J45 ?>A>G5= e-mail 04@5A, ?>B@518B5;OB 5 2 AJAB>O=85 40 ?>;CG020 8725AB8O 8 =0?><=O=8O.
External Participants: J=H=8 CG0AB=8F8
repeat-type-help: 715@5B5 :>;:> G5AB> B@O120 40 A5 ?>2B0@O AJ18B85B>.65<5A5G=> (?> 45= >B A54<8F0B0) ?>72>;O20 54=> AJ18B85 40 A5 ?>2B0@O 2 ?>A;54=8O ?>=545;=8: =0 2A5:8 <5A5F, B@5B8O G5B2J@BJ: =0 2A5:8 <5A5F 8 B.=. 5A5G=> (?> 40B8) ?>72>;O20 4045=> AJ18B85 40 A5 ?>2B0@O =0 AJI8O 45= >B <5A5F0.
Repeat Type: 84 ?>2B>@O5<>AB
Daily: 654=52=>
Weekly: 65A54<8G=>
Monthly: 65<5A5G=>
by day: ?> 45= >B A54<8F0B0
by day (from end): ?> 45= (>B :@0O)
by date: ?> 40B8
Yearly: >48H=>
repeat-end-date-help: ?@545;O 40B0B0, 4> :>OB> A;5420 40 A5 ?>2B0@O AJ18B85B>.
Repeat End Date: @09=0 40B0 =0 ?>2B>@5=85
Use end date: 7?>;720=5 =0 D8=0;=0 40B0
repeat-day-help: Specifies which days of the week the event should repeat on. This is for use only when Repeat Type is set to Weekly.
Repeat Day: 5= =0 ?>2B>@5=85
for weekly: 70 565A54<8G=>
Tuesday: B>@=8:
Wednesday: !@O40
Thursday: '5B2J@BJ:
Friday: 5BJ:
Saturday: !J1>B0
repeat-frequency-help: Specifies how often the event should repeat. The default 1 indicates it should occur every time. Specifying 2 will make the event occur every other week (if Repeat Type is set to Weekly), every other month (if Repeat Type is set to Monthly), etc.
Frequency: '5AB>B0
Delete entry: 7B@820=5 =0 70?8A0
You are not authorized to edit this entry: O<0B5 ?J;=><>I8O 40 @540:B8@0B5 B>78 70?8A
# Page: edit_entry_handler.php
The following conflicts with the suggested time: 0;8F5 A0 A;54=8B5 :>=D;8:B8 A ?@54;>65=8O G0A
Unnamed Event: 578<5==> AJ18B85
The description is: ?8A0=85B> 5
Title: WebCalendar
A new appointment has been made for you by: 0 0A 15H5 =0A@>G5= =>2 0=3068<5=B >B
An appointment has been updated by: 0H 0=3068<5=B 15H5 0:BC0;878@0= >B
The subject is: "5<0B0 5
Please look on: >;O, ?>3;54=5B5 =0
to accept or reject this appointment: 40 ?@85<5B5 8;8 >B:065B5 B>78 0=3068<5=B
to view this appointment: 40 ?@53;540B5 B>78 0=3068<5=B
Scheduling Conflict: >=D;8:B ?@8 =0A@>G20=5
Your suggested time of: @54;>65=8OB >B 0A G0A 70
conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: 2;870 2 :>=D;8:B AJA A;54=8B5 25G5 =0;8G=8 70?8A8 2 :0;5=40@0
Cancel: B<O=0
# Page: edit_layer.php
Edit Layer: 540:B8@0=5 =0 A;>9
Add Layer: >102O=5 =0 A;>9
Source: 7B>G=8:
Color: &2OB
Duplicates: C?;8:0B8
Show layer events that are the same as your own: >:0720=5 =0 A;>528 AJ18B8O, :>8B> AJ2?040B A 0H8B5 A>1AB25=8
Are you sure you want to delete this layer?: !83C@=8 ;8 AB5, G5 8A:0B5 40 87B@85B5 B>78 A;>9?
Delete layer: 7B@820=5 =0 A;>9
# Page: edit_layer_handler.php
You cannot create a layer for yourself: 5 <>65B5 40 AJ74020B5 A;>525 70 A0<8B5 A515 A8
You can only create one layer for each user: >65B5 40 AJ74045B5 A0<> 548= A;>9 70 2A5:8 ?>B@518B5;
# Page: edit_user.php
Edit User: 540:B8@0=5 =0 ?>B@518B5;
Add User: >102O=5 =0 ?>B@518B5;
Username: >B@518B5;A:> 8<5
First Name: <5
Last Name: $0<8;8O
E-mail address: E-mail 04@5A
Password: 0@>;0
again: >I5 254=J6
Admin: 4<8=8AB@0B>@
Disabled for demo: 570:B828@0=> 2 45<>-25@A8OB0
Change Password: !<O=0 =0 ?0@>;0B0
New Password: >20 ?0@>;0
Set Password: ?@545;O=5 =0 ?0@>;0
# Page: edit_user_handler.php
Deleting users not supported: 5 5 @07@5H5=> 87B@820=5B> =0 ?>B@518B5;8
The passwords were not identical: 25B5 ?0@>;8 =5 AJ2?040B
You have not entered a password: 5 AB5 2J25;8 ?0@>;0
# Page: export.php
Export: :A?>@B8@0=5
Export format: $>@<0B =0 5:A?>@B8@0=5
Palm Pilot: Palm Pilot
Export all dates: :A?>@B8@0=5 =0 2A8G:8 40B8
Start date: 0G0;=0 40B0
End date: @09=0 40B0
Modified since: >48D8F8@0=> A;54
# Page: export_handler.php
export format not defined or incorrect: $>@<0BJB =0 5:A?>@B8@0=5 =5 5 >?@545;5= 8;8 5 =5?@028;5=
# Page: group_edit.php
Unnamed Group: 578<5==0 3@C?0
Add Group: >102O=5 =0 3@C?0
Edit Group: 540:B8@0=5 =0 3@C?0
Group name: <5 =0 3@C?0B0
Updated: :BC0;878@0=>
Created by: !J74045=> >B
Users: >B@518B5;8
# Page: group_edit_handler.php
You must specify a group name: "@O120 40 CB>G=8B5 8<5B> =0 3@C?0B0
# Page: groups.php
Add New Group: >102O=5 =0 =>20 3@C?0
# Page: help_admin.php
# Page: pref.php
Preferences: @54?>G8B0=8O
to modify the preferences for the Public Access calendar: 70 40 ?@><5=8B5 ?@54?>G8B0=8OB0 70 0;5=40@0 A ?C1;8G5= 4>ABJ?
tz-help: ?@545;O A :>;:> G0A0 A5 @07<8=020 2@5<5B> =0 AJ@2J@0 A <5AB=>B> 2@5<5.
Timezone Offset: '0A>20 @07;8:0
Add N hours to: >102O=5 =0 N G0A0 :J<
Subtract N hours from: 720640=5 =0 N G0A0 >B
same as: AJI>B> :0B>
server time: 2@5<5B> =0 AJ@2J@0
Default Category: 0B53>@8O ?> ?>4@0718@0=5
When I am the boss: >30B> 07 >?@545;O<
Email me event notification: 7?@0B5B5 <8 8725AB85 ?> E-mail
I want to approve events: A:0< 40 >4>1@O20< AJ18B8OB0
allow-remote-subscriptions-help: Specifies if remote users can subscribe to your calendar, allowing them to see your events in a iCal-enabled application (such as Apple's iCal or Mozilla Calendar).
remote-subscriptions-url-help: Displays the URL remote users should use to subscribe to your calendar.
Sun: 54
Mon: >=
Tue: B>
Wed: !@O
Thu: '5B
Fri: 5B
Sat: !J1
Save Preferences: 0?078 ?@54?>G8B0=8OB0
# Page: help_bug.php
Report Bug: !J>1I5B5 70 1J3
# Page: help_edit_entry.php
Adding/Editing Calendar Entries: >102O=5/@540:B8@0=5 =0 70?8A8 2 :0;5=40@0
# Page: help_index.php
Help Index: !J4J@60=85 =0 ><>I
Layers: !;>525
Import: <?>@B8@0=5
# Page: help_layers.php
Layers are useful for displaying other users' events in your own calendar. You can specifiy the user and the color the events will be displayed in.: !;>525B5 <>30B 40 1J40B 87?>;720=8 70 40 A5 ?>O2O20B AJ18B8O =0 4@C38 ?>B@518B5;8 2J2 0H8O A>1AB25= :0;5=40@. >65B5 40 >?@545;OB5 ?>B@518B5;O 8 F25B0, 2 :>9B> I5 A5 ?>O2O20B AJ18B8OB0.
Add/Edit/Delete: >102O=5/ 540:B8@0=5/7B@820=5
Clicking the Edit Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page will allow you to add/edit/delete layers.: Clicking the Edit Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page will allow you to add/edit/delete layers.
Specifies the user that you would like to see displayed in your calendar.: Specifies the user that you would like to see displayed in your calendar.
The text color of the new layer that will be displayed in your calendar.: The text color of the new layer that will be displayed in your calendar.
If checked, events that are duplicates of your events will be shown.: If checked, events that are duplicates of your events will be shown.
Disabling: Disabling
Press the Disable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn off layers.: Press the Disable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn off layers.
Enabling: Enabling
Press the Enable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn on layers.: Press the Enable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn on layers.
# Page: help_pref.php
default-category-help: ?@545;O :0B53>@8OB0, 2 :>OB> B@O120 40 ?>?040B =>28B5 AJ18B8O ?> ?>4@0718@0=5.
# Page: week.php
cont.: ?@>4J;6.
# Page: layers.php
to modify the layers settings for the: 40 1J40B ?@><5=5=8 A;>528B5 =0AB@>9:8 70
Layers are currently: >=0AB>OI5< A;>525B5 A0
Enabled: :B828@0=8
Disabled: 570:B828@0=8
Disable Layers: 570:B828@0=5 =0 A;>525B5
Enable Layers: :B828@0=5 =0 A;>525B5
Layer: !;>9
Edit layer: 540:B8@0=5 =0 A;>9
Add layer: >102O=5 =0 A;>9
# Page: layers_toggle.php
# Page: list_unapproved.php
View this entry: 86 B>78 70?8A
Approve this entry?: 4>1@O20=5 =0 70?8A0?
Approve/Confirm: 4>1@O20=5/>B2J@64020=5
Reject this entry?: BE2J@;O=5 =0 70?8A0?
Reject: BE2J@;O=5
No unapproved events for: O<0 =5>4>1@5=8 AJ18B8O 70
Unapproved Events: 5>4>1@5=8 AJ18B8O
Public Access: C1;8G5= 4>ABJ?
# Page: view_v.php
# Page: month.php
# Page: pref_handler.php
# Page: reject_entry.php
An appointment has been rejected by: An appointment has been rejected by
# Page: search.php
Search: "J@A5=5
Advanced Search: !?5F80;878@0=> BJ@A5=5
Keywords: ;NG>28 4C<8
# Page: search_handler.php
You must enter one or more search keywords: "@O120 40 2J2545B5 54=0 8;8 ?>25G5 :;NG>28 4C<8 70 BJ@A5=5
Search Results: 57C;B0B8 >B BJ@A5=5B>
match found: =0<5@5=> AJ>B25BAB285
matches found: =0<5@5=8 AJ>B25BAB28O
No matches found: O<0 =0<5@5=8 AJ>B25BAB28O
# Page: select_user.php
View Another User's Calendar: 86 :0;5=40@8B5 =0 4@C38 ?>B@518B5;8
Go: 0?@54
# Page: set_entry_cat.php
You have not added any categories: 5 AB5 4>1028;8 =8B> 54=0 :0B53>@8O
Set Category: 715@8 :0B53>@8O
# Page: users.php
denotes administrative user: >1>7=0G020 04<8=8AB@0B82=8B5 ?>B@518B5;8
Add New User: >102O=5 =0 =>2 ?>B@518B5;
# Page: usersel.php
All: A8G:8
Reset: =C;8@0=5
Remove: @5<0E20=5
# Page: import.php
This form will allow you to import entries from the Palm Desktop Datebook.: This form will allow you to import entries from the Palm Desktop Datebook.
Exclude private records: Exclude private records
Datebook File: Datebook File
This form will import vCalendar (.vcs) 1.0 events: This form will import vCalendar (.vcs) 1.0 events
vCal File: vCal File
# Page: view_entry.php
every: every
2nd: 2-@>
3rd: 3-B>
4th: 4-B>
5th: 5-B>
1st: 1-2>
last: ?>A;54=>
Description: ?8A0=85
Status: !B0BCA
Waiting for approval: 7G0:20I8 70 >4>1@5=85
Deleted: 7B@8B8
Rejected: BE2J@;5=8
External User: J=H5= ?>B@518B5;
Approve/Confirm entry: 4>1@O20=5/>B2J@64020=5 =0 70?8A
Reject entry: BE2J@;O=5 =0 70?8A
Set category: 71>@ =0 :0B53>@8O
Edit repeating entry for all dates: 540:B8@0=5 =0 ?>2B0@OI A5 70?8A 70 2A8G:8 40B8
Edit entry for this date: 540:B8@0=5 =0 70?8A 70 B078 40B0
This will delete this entry for all users.: 7B@820=5 =0 B>78 70?8A 70 2A8G:8 40B8
Delete repeating event for all dates: 7B@820=5 =0 ?>2B0@OI> A5 AJ18B85 70 2A8G:8 40B8
Delete entry only for this date: 7B@820=5 =0 70?8A A0<> 70 B078 40B0
Edit entry: 540:B8@0=5 =0 70?8A
This will delete the entry from your calendar.: ">20 I5 87B@85 70?8A0 >B :0;5=40@0 8.
Do you want to add this entry to your calendar?: 5;05B5 ;8 40 4>1028B5 B>78 70?8A :J< :0;5=0@0 8?
This will add the entry to your calendar.: ">20 I5 4>1028 70?8A0 :J< :0;5=40@0 8.
Add to My Calendar: >102O=5 :J< >O :0;5=40@
Email all participants: 0?8H8 5-mail 4> 2A8G:8 CG0AB=8F8
Show activity log: >:068 70?8A =0 0:B82=>ABB0
Hide activity log: !:@89 70?8A0 =0 0:B82=>ABB0
Export this entry to: :A?>@B8@0=5 =0 B>78 70?8A 2
# Page: view_d.php
# Page: view_m.php
# Page: view_w.php
# Page: views.php
Views: Views
Add New View: Add New View
# Page: views_edit.php
Unnamed View: Unnamed View
Add View: Add View
Edit View: Edit View
View Name: View Name
View Type: View Type
Week (Users horizontal): Week (Users horizontal)
Week (Users vertical): Week (Users vertical)
Week (Timebar): Week (Timebar)
Month (side by side): Month (side by side)
Month (on same calendar): Month (on same calendar)
# Page: nonusers.php
NONUSER_PREFIX not set: NONUSER_PREFIX has not been set in config.php.
NonUser: NonUser Calendars
Calendar ID: Calendar ID
Add New NonUser Calendar: Add New NonUser Calendar
# Page: nonusers_handler.php
# Page: login.php
You must enter a login and password: You must enter a login and password
Save login via cookies so I don't have to login next time: Save login via cookies so I don't have to login next time
Login: Login
Access public calendar: Access public calendar
cookies-note: Note: This application requires cookies to be enabled.
# Page: views_edit_handler.php
You must specify a view name: You must specify a view name
# Page: week_details.php
New Entry: New Entry
Private: Private
# Page: view_l.php
# Page: import_handler.php
Conflicting events: Conflicting events
Errors: Errors
Back to My Calendar: Back to My Calendar
There was an error parsing the import file or no events were returned: There was an error parsing the import file or no events were returned
The import file contained no data: The import file contained no data
Event Imported: Event Imported
# Page: year.php
# Page: edit_report.php
Tomorrow: #B@5
Today: =5A
Yesterday: G5@0
Day before yesterday: =78 45=
Next week: !;5420I0B0 A54<8F0
This week: "078 A54<8F0
Last week: 8=0;0B0 A54<8F0
Week before last: >-?@548H=0B0 A54<8F0
Next week and week after: !;5420I0B0 8 ?>-A;5420I0B0 A54<8F0
This week and next week: "078 8 A;5420I0B0 A54<8F0
Last week and this week: 8=0;0B0 8 B078 A54<8F0
Last two weeks: >A;54=8B5 425 A54<8F8
Next month: !;5420I8O <5A5F
This month: ">78 <5A5F
Last month: 8=0;8O <5A5F
Month before last: >-?@548H=8O <5A5F
Next year: !;5420I0B0 3>48=0
This year: "078 3>48=0
Last year: 8=0;0B0 3>48=0
Year before last: >-<8=0;0B0 3>48=0
Invalid report id: 520;84=> id =0 4>:;040
Unnamed Report: 578<5=5= 4>:;04
Add Report: >102O=5 =0 4>:;04
Edit Report: 540:B8@0=5 =0 4>:;04
Report name: <5 =0 4>:;040
Current User: 0AB>OI ?>B@518B5;
Include link in trailer: :;NG20=5 =0 ;8=: 2 B@59;J@0
Include standard header/trailer: :;NG20=5 =0 AB0=40@B5= header/trailer
Date range: 1E20B =0 40B0B0
Include previous/next links: :;NG20=5 =0 ?@548H=8/A;5420I8 ;8=:>25
Include empty dates: :;NG20=5 =0 ?@07=8 40B8
Template variables: @><5=;828 =0 <>45;0
Page template: >45; 70 AB@0=8F0B0
Day template: >45; 70 45=O
Event template: >45; 70 AJ18B85B>
Are you sure you want to delete this report?: !83C@=8 ;8 AB5, G5 8A:0B5 40 87B@85B5 B>78 4>:;04?
# Page: report.php
Approved: 4>1@5=
Unknown: 58725AB5=
to manage reports for the Public Access calendar: 70 40 C?@02;O20B5 4>:;048B5 70 0;5=40@0 A ?C1;8G5= 4>ABJ?
Add new report: >102O=5 =0 =>2 4>:;04
Manage Reports: #?@02;5=85 =0 4>:;048B5
# Page: assistant_edit.php
Assistants: A8AB5=B8
Yours assistants: 0H8B5 0A8AB5=B8
# Page: view_t.php
# Page: assistant_edit_handler.php
# Page: publish.php
# Page: purge.php
# Page: help_import.php
Palm Desktop: Palm Desktop
It should be located in your Palm directory in datebook/datebook.dat in a subdirectory named by your username.: It should be located in your Palm directory in datebook/datebook.dat in a subdirectory named by your username.
The following entries will not be imported: The following entries will not be imported
Entries older than the current date: Entries older than the current date
Entries creted in the Palm Desktop that have not been HotSync'd: Entries creted in the Palm Desktop that have not been HotSync'd
Anything imported from Palm will be overwritten during the next import (unless the event date has passed).: Anything imported from Palm will be overwritten during the next import (unless the event date has passed).
Therefore, updates should be made in the Palm Desktop.: Therefore, updates should be made in the Palm Desktop.
vCal: vCal
The following formats have been tested: The following formats have been tested
Palm Desktop 4: Palm Desktop 4
Lotus Organizer 6: Lotus Organizer 6
Microsoft Outlook 2002: Microsoft Outlook 2002
# Page: edit_report_handler.php
Variable N not found: @><5=;820B0 N =5 15H5 >B:@8B0
# Page: includes/trailer.php
Go to: 48 =0
My Calendar: My Calendar
Logout: 7E>4
Another User's Calendar: 0;5=40@ =0 4@C3 ?>B@518B5;
Add New Entry: >102O=5 =0 =>2 70?8A
Manage Views: #?@02;5=85 =0 873;548B5
Edit Layers: 540:B8@0=5 =0 A;>525
Account: :0C=B
Manage calendar of: #?@02;5=85 =0 :0;5=40@0 =0
# Page: includes/connect.php
# Page: includes/functions.php
This event is confidential: ">20 AJ18B85 5 :>=D845=F80;=>
exceeds limit of XXX events per day: ?@528H020 ;8<8B0 >B XXX AJ18B8O =0 45=
You have XXX unapproved events: <0B5 XXX =0 1@>9 =5>4>1@5=8 AJ18B8O
January: /=C0@8
February: $52@C0@8
March: 0@B
April: ?@8;
May_: 09
June: .=8
July: .;8
August: 23CAB
September: !5?B5<2@8
October: :B><2@8
November: >5<2@8
Jan: /=C0@8
Feb: $52@C0@8
Mar: 0@B
Apr: ?@8;
May: 09
Jun: .=8
Jul: .;8
Aug: 23CAB
Sep: !5?B5<2@8
Oct: :B><2@8
Nov: >5<2@8
Dec: 5:5<2@8
# Page: includes/user.php
Invalid login: 520;84=0 @538AB@0F8O
Invalid user login: 520;84=0 @538AB@0F8O =0 ?>B@518B5;
# Page: includes/site_extras.php
Send Reminder: 7?@0B8 ?>4A5I0=5
# Page: includes/translate.php
# Page: includes/user-ldap.php
# Page: includes/user-nis.php
# Page: includes/help_trailer.php
# Page: includes/init.php
# Page: includes/dbtable.php
# Page: includes/js/admin.php
Server URL is required: 78A:20 A5 URL =0 AJ@2J@0
Server URL must end with '/': URL =0 AJ@2J@0 B@O120 40 702J@H20 A '/'
Invalid color for document background: 520;845= D>=>2 F2OB =0 4>:C<5=B0
Invalid color for document title: 520;845= F2OB 70 703;0285 =0 4>:C<5=B0
Invalid color for table cell background: 520;845= F2OB 70 B01;8G=8B5 :;5B:8
Invalid color for table grid: 520;845= F2OB 70 :>=BC@ =0 B01;8F0B0
Invalid color for table header background: 520;845= D>=>2 F2OB 70 B01;8G=8O header
Invalid color for table text background: 520;845= F2OB 70 B5:AB0 =0 B01;8F0B0
Invalid color for event popup background: 520;845= D>=>2 F2OB 70 popup =0 AJ18B8OB0
Invalid color for event popup text: 520;845= F2OB 70 B5:AB 2 popup =0 AJ18B8OB0
Invalid color for table cell background for today: 520;845= D>=>2 F2OB 70 B01;8G=0 :;5B:0 70 4=5H=8O 45=
Color format should be '#RRGGBB': $>@<0BJB =0 F25B0 B@O120 40 1J45 '#RRGGBB'
# Page: includes/js/edit_entry.php
You have not entered a Brief Description: 5 AB5 2J25;8 @0B:> >?8A0=85
You have not entered a valid time of day: 5 AB5 2J25;8 20;845= G0A
The time you have entered begins before your preferred work hours. Is this correct?: @5<5B>, :>5B> AB5 2J25;8 70?>G20 ?@548 ?@54?>G8B0=8B5 >B 0A @01>B=8 G0A>25. ">20 ?@028;=> ;8 5?
# Page: includes/js/edit_layer.php
Invalid color: 520;845= F2OB
# Page: includes/js/pref.php
# Page: tools/send_reminders.php
This is a reminder for the event detailed below.: ">20 5 ?>4A5I0=5 70 ?>A>G5=>B> ?>-4>;C AJ18B85.
Reminder: >4A5I0=5